Our Mission & Vision

At LEP, our mission is to help authors turn their writing dreams into reality!

The process of publishing a book on your own can seem daunting. We’ve been there – we know!

LEP began with one talented young girl, her creative short story, and her dream of publishing a book.

If you have those ingredients, LEP can guide you through the process of producing a quality book that you will be proud to have created.

About Alice Rizkallah:

I am Alice Rizkallah, and I wrote “How the Sun Came to Be” as a 12 year old child. If you have a child you are ready to encourage, or if you are a talented adult ready to share your creativity through publishing, my team and I are here to help.

This is about Sharing!

LEP is dedicated to helping children learn and grow!

We believe that having a platform to share fosters creativity, imagination, and self-worth!  Sharing is Caring.

That’s why we give 33% of our proceeds to “Toys for Local Children.”  TLC is a charitable organization in Somerville, Massachusetts, that serves children and families that do not have toys and books during the Christmas Gift Season.

For more information, or to donate, please visit https://www.toysforlocalchildren.org